Dentist needed in Shallotte, NC
Columbia Healthcare - Shallotte, NC
Tagged: Dentist, General Dentistry
- Looking for a General Dentist in Shallotte, NC
- Monday – Thursday 8 – 5 and Friday 8 – 2
- 2 doctor Practice
- Currently have 1 full-time and 2 part-time Doctors
- Oral Surgeon also comes to the office a few times a month
- General Dentistry
- Implant Placement is a plus as they have Pan already.
- 8 operatories
- 2 Hygienist and 2 Dental Assistants
- Mainly Cash and Insurance patients, no Medicaid
- 12 – 15 Patients / Day plus Hygiene Checks
Looking for a general dentist who wants full time, a dentist preferably comfortable performing endo, surgical extractions and simple extractions
- Works on a Daily Minimum and then moves to 30 – 32 % of Adjusted Production
- PTO with Paid Holidays
- Medical, Dental, Vision, Life Insurance, AD&D, STD / LTD
- 401K